Friday, January 20, 2012

Learning From the Best

I am so proud of the amazing nonfiction books for children that are published these days.  But there is always room for more, and if you have ever thought about turning your love of reading children's nonfiction into writing children's nonfiction there are all sorts of books, conferences and workshops out there to help.  For twenty years I have been learning from other writers and continue to do so. But now I have the privilege of giving back. From May 20-26 I will be working with the Highlights Foundation to help other writers at THE WHOLE NARRATIVE WORKSHOP. 

Although I am one of the teachers, I am SO excited to hear what fellow instructor Susan Campbell Bartoletti has to say about how she creates her award-winning books like Hitler Youth.  Elizabeth Partridge will also be there talking about writing biographies.  I'm hoping I can add to the discussions about research, interviewing, crafting a strong storyline and more.  I have to admit that I am a little nervous to have on the faculty my editor Carolyn P. Yoder.  I know it will be great, but a little part of me feels like a kid having to spend the weekend with her teacher. She has seen my mistakes and knows my weaknesses, but together we may be able to give a clear picture of the author/editor relationship. More importantly I am excited to read the manuscripts of new writers with new ideas and new approaches to nonfiction, and be able to help them become published authors. 

The Whole Narrative Workshop is May 20-26, and the last day of registration is approaching soon. If you are interested I encourage you to check out this website for all the details -

I hope to see you there.


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