Thursday, August 23, 2012

Back to Work!

Sorry to be away for so long, but I was up to my elbows in research! 

This summer I studied elephants in Thailand.  Not always this closely, and usually at the other end.  But this particular day, I was part of a vet check.  Did you know that an elephant's temperature is about the same as ours - between 97.5 and 99 degrees F.  But they only breathe 4-10 times a minute!  It takes a long time for blood to be pumped throughout that enormous body.  

The work that I did with Think Elephants International  will find its way into a new book (hopefully), and also help researchers devise better ways to protect wild Asian elephants.  Check out their website and their Facebook page at www.facebook,com/thinkelephants.   Asian elephants need all the help they can get - seriously!